It became a bright red color [Enkianthus perulatus]


The blue sky spreads out and the clear autumn days continue.

At present, the brightly colored autumn leaves of [Enkianthus perulatus] welcome you in the garden of the museum. In the spring, Enkianthus perulatus has cute florets similar to lily of the valley, but in the fall, the leaves turn bright red and the leaves look beautifully colored.


“Hiroshi Senju-Koyasan Kongobuji Fusuma Painting Memorial Exhibition-” is being held at the gallery, but there are only 10 days left. It is the world of barrier paintings between fusuma paintings and alcove, which Hiroshi Senju calls the culmination. The photo panel is on display. If you haven’t seen it yet, please stop by. You are free to enter the gallery.


It seems that you can enjoy the autumn leaves for a while. Please come to Karuizawa, where you can see the sights that can only be met in autumn.