Notes for visitors

Notes for Visitors

We have some favors to ask you to enjoy the works and the space comfortably in this art museum. After reading the followings, we would like to ask for your understanding and cooperation. Thank you.

  • When drinking too much, we may turn down your admission.
  • Please quietly look at the works without bothering other visitors.
  • Please refrain from using writing materials except pencils.
  • Please refrain from eating, drinking and smoking in the art museum.
  • Please refrain from talking on the phone in the art museum.
  • Pets are not to be brought into the art museum.
  • As the floor is slanted to the ground, please be careful when walking.
  • Please refrain from bringing into a large baggage.
    (When your baggage cannot be put in a locker, they will temporally keep it at the reception.)
  • Please put your umbrella (including a parasol) in an umbrella stand near the entrance.
  • Please be careful not to touch the exhibited works with hands
    and not to touch your baggage to the works.
  • Please follow our staff’s instruction.