
2020.11.11 - 12.25


UWC ISAK JAPAN (ユナイテッド・ワールド・カレッジ・アイザック・ジャパン)は、2020年11月11日から12月25日までの間(美術館休館日をのぞく)、軽井沢千住博美術館ギャラリーにおきまして作品展「FOUR SEASONS(フォーシーズンズ)」を開催いたします。


Anthony Ginman は日の出を捉えるために夜明け前に起き出し撮影に臨みました。複数の写真を三脚で撮影し、それらをつなぎ合わせ、精密な風景写真を作り出しました。本展覧会では、4つの季節を捉えた写真を2点ずつ展示します。

Jolyon Hintonは小諸市宮沢にあるアトリエから数キロ離れた場所で写生をし、その後アトリエでその風景を大きなキャンバスに再現しました。彼の描いた絵画は家や電線、道や鉄道のない純粋な風景ー建造物に覆われた現代の生活に隠れて存在する日本の美しい景色ーを描写しています。これは私達の祖先が見ていた風景かもしれません。




様々な出来事があった2020年の掉尾に、ぜひ本展にお立ち寄りいただければと思います。The exhibition consists of paintings and photographs of landscapes in Nagano prefecture created over the last 12 months. The works invite viewers to see the landscape as it changes through the four seasons.

Anthony Ginman often rises before dawn to be in position by first light. He takes multiple images calibrating them with a tripod and then stitches them together to form a hyper-detailed review of the landscape. In this exhibition, he presents two photographs for each season.

Jolyon Hinton paints from observation, travelling out a few kilometres from his studio and gallery in Miyazawa, Komoro. He then reworks these paintings in his studio on a larger scale. The paintings depict a pure landscape, devoid of houses, electricity lines, roads and railways – the beautiful Japanese landscape which is hidden underneath the architecture of contemporary life. The landscape perhaps as it was seen by our ancestors.

In Neville Shute’s “On The Beach”, US sailors remained submerged in a submarine while the world was destroyed in a nuclear holocaust. Later, emerging from the submarine they find a world completely empty of people.

COVID-19 has threatened the future and the world that we knew before the pandemic. People have been isolated, and unable to meet. Hinton has been unable to visit his family members in the UK. These paintings represent our isolation. They are reflections, metaphors for our experience of 2020.

